512.763.2132 Janel@cactiJ.com

Cacti & Succulent Care

Cacti and Succulents can be found around the world.  Most are native to arid climates which means they are accustomed to the harsh conditions of desert or semi-desert environments.  Here’s a few tips to keep your new table top garden thriving for years to come.



Believe it or not, water is super important to ensure cacti and succulent happiness and health.  The good thing is that these amazing species need far less water than their tropical counterparts.  They only like being watered after their soil has been allowed to dry out. 

Many vessels that I use in my designs will not have drain holes so that table top pieces can be safely displayed on furniture,  No drain holes, no problem.  There is an easy way to test the dryness of the soil.  This can be accomplished by poking a wooden skewer or chop stick into the depth of the soil.  If soil adheres to the wooden skewer, they aren’t thirsty.  If it comes out clean, it’s time for a drink.  Water your plant slowly to allow the water to soak into the soil.  After a few waterings, you will get the hang of how much water to use.  Generally speaking, the amount of water will depend on the size of the plant and container.  Please do not mist your table top garden. 


Quick draining/drying soil is necessary to provide optimal health for cacti and succulent root systems. The soil in your table top garden is specially formulated to keep your plants in optimal condition.


Light is critical to cacti and succulent health.  At least six to eight hours of bright light is necessary to keep your table top garden looking its best.  If the color of your plants are fading or certain members of the garden are stretching, it’s a sign that they are asking for more light.  Place your table top garden near a sunny window or perhaps on a covered balcony or patio where they can enjoy bright, indirect light.   


Cacti and succulents like dry air and ample circulation. Your table top garden has been planted with that in mind. Because the air in most homes and/or offices is drier than a desert climate, your indoor gardens will likely dry out faster than those in an outdoor setting.


Optimal temperatures range between 45° – 85°F. If you have an outdoor table top garden, to be on the safe side, you will want to protect it when nighttime temperatures dip below 50°F.

All in all, cacti and succulents are easy going, and not very fussy about daily care.  In fact, the #1 killer of these wonderful species is too much TLC.  So, love them, but not too much.  This will ensure years of enjoyment from your gift that grows!